Increase Profit Margins with Peak Shaving
Optimizing your charging operations can minimize utility energy demand charges by using resources more efficiently.Sparkion’s SparkCore™ energy management system (EMS) helps align your business operations with grid conditions, ensuring your on-site battery charges before and deploys during your peak demand periods to reduce your grid consumption and avoid extra energy costs for the highest profit margins.
Peak shaving saves costs
- Lower operating expenses: Lowering peak demand can reduce operating costs. Aligning your charging operations with grid conditions allows adjusting the charging rate or scheduling charging sessions to avoid charging during peak periods.
- Avoid pricey upgrades: Managing grid demand is essential for minimizing the need for costly infrastructure upgrades. Peak shaving allows efficient allocation of electrical power to charging stations. More evenly distributing your charging load throughout the day optimizes existing electrical infrastructure.
Optimizing peak shaving with Sparkion
Our SparkCore™ EMS intelligently analyzes energy consumption patterns to anticipate and automatically mitigate peak power demand spikes in real-time. As soon as an electrical vehicle site reaches a specific threshold, the EMS performs peak load shaving by discharging battery storage energy to avoid peak demand charges.The SparkCore™ automatically signals the battery energy storage system to discharge once a site’s grid limit is passed to avoid utility charges.
The timing and power of the battery’s electricity release is determined by the site’s discharge factor, which is based on real-time site energy usage and the amount of energy in the battery. In this way, Sparkion’s AI-driven technology ultimately increases the profit margin for each simultaneous charging session.
Benefits of Peak Shaving with Sparkion include:
- Optimized peak shaving
- Control operating costs
- Avoid expensive upgrades
- Increased profit margins